Use a serialized SKU to add items to an invoice

When to use this procedure

Use this procedure to add merchandise to a sales, layaway, approval, or proposal invoice with a serialized SKU number. For layaways, you only need to complete this procedure if the LayawaySerial system variable is set to Y.

Steps to complete

  1. On the Sales Invoice window, Layaway window, or Approval window, enter a serialized SKU number in the Sku#/Serial# box.
  2. Navigate away from the Sku#/Serial# box by pressing Enter or Tab or by selecting another box. The Select Serial Numbers window displays.

Note: Depending on your system setup, the Select Serial Numbers window may display at this point or after you have entered the remaining item details on the invoice.

  1. Select a location.
  2. Complete one of the following.
  1. Click OK. The item is automatically added to the invoice and all appropriate boxes are completed.